Three Customer Lessons for 2022

Reading Time: 2 minutes

By: Ruth King


The companies who thrived in 2021 did three things:


  1. They paid close attention to their customers….even when they didn’t want to sell them something. They reminded their customers that they were there for them. These messages helped keep customers as customers.


  1. They reactivated inactive customers.

Companies also looked at their customers bases and found customers who had bought in the past, but not recently.  They found reasons to activate their inactive customers.  (I define an inactive customer as one who has not bought from your company in the past 18 months to five years).


  1. They reviewed quotes and proposals as far back as 18 months.

Companies looked at all of their unsold proposals and quotes.  They found many customers who had not bought from anyone!  Some of these quotes/proposals turned into sales a year later.  The comment from many customers, “No one followed up with me.  You’re the first and your company gets the work,”


Make sure you incorporate these three activities in your 2022 marketing plan.


Before you make your 2022 plan you should also answer these questions:


  1. What activities worked in 2021? What were the results?


  1. What activities didn’t work in 2021? What were the results? Is there anything you can do to turn what didn’t work into positive results?


Now for your 2022 marketing plan:


Take a simple Excel spread sheet – put the activities you want to do on the Y axis, segmenting by customer type, and the weeks of the year on the X-axis.  Then put an “x” in the box of the week you will execute a marketing activity.


Post this sheet to remind you (and everyone who sees it) what the marketing plan is for 2022.

Email me ( if you would like a copy of a sample marketing sheet.

Ruth King is known globally as the “Profitability Master,” and is a a thought leader in entrepreneurship and business. Her books have been recognized as among the greatest in numerous industries. Learn more about all her business activities here

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