What Happens When Economics and Numerology Collide?
Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed Wendy Bjork.
The Wendy Bjork Commentaries
Welcome to the latest episode of Igniting Your Dynamic Self with Wendy Bjork. As an international bestselling author, inspirational speaker and founder of heartsofwellness.com, it is my mission to empower women to build a strong Foundation of Wellbeing: One Whole-istic™ Step at a Time.
I am excited to introduce my Practical Numerology teacher, Meaghan Alton to today’s show. Meaghan is an Economist turned Numerologist, and is the secret weapon for business owners who want to use the energetics of Alchemy aligned with business strategy to amplify their natural state of Abundance and create undeniable magnetism.
In her unique approach to business, She combines two worlds: strategic (with her Master’s degree in Economics) and energetic having taught & certified Numerology to thousands of people, helping her business clients create integrated and aligned success in their work.
She’s the mama to 3 feral children, and would rather be floating on her paddle board or sitting around a campfire while they run free.
Home is Kelowna, BC, but her true home is anywhere there are trees and a lake.
When you pick up a modality like numerology, it can help you think on a deeper level, find answers you didn’t realize were out there and possibly give a clearer path to navigate on.
A lot of people are at a turning point and asking important questions about what truly matters. What is important and is it ok to lean on their inner guidance system/intuition/gut feelings.
What are we here to accomplish? Have we completed everything we are supposed to do? A great idea if you are struggling with those questions, is to determine your coding, your numerology meanings. This is a great place to begin by knowing what you’re supposed to do.
Numerology can even make a difference in business when promoting and launching programs and products. When should I launch a certain product? When should I release this? Or when should I sign contracts? Or how do I know if this is the right business partner for me? Or is this the stage for me to be expanding? Or is this the stage for me to be hunkering down. And those are all questions that you can answer by looking into your numerology chart, looking into a forecast and really getting a sense of, well, number one, what’s the energy doing?
And then number two, how does my intuition play into this? What does my intuition tell me about this? Well, here’s the information. Now bring your intuition on board and see what’s coming up for you as you look at that, as you interpret that and decide.
But that level of confidence and self trust Is how you move through them, I find. We need to start trusting ourselves. We doubt ourselves, more often than we trust. We need to start embracing trust and self belief and know that we are here for a purpose.
Not saying it’s a hard journey sometimes, our life is just a puzzle and we just need to keep figuring out the pieces to click together. That’s the fun of it and to make it fun, not to make it something that we’re feeling bad about or avoiding. It’s about embracing that.
For more information on Meaghan head to her website: meaghanalton.com. Connect with her on Instagram at meganintuitivestrategist.
If you feel a self-paced approach with Wendy’s support would be helpful in reaching your goals, you can head over to the Hearts of Wellness Membership Collective and begin your journey back to simplicity, freedom and wholeness!
As a pioneer in advocacy and mentorship, Wendy is leading a global revolution of women walking in purpose and peace as she illumines their path ahead with the light of HOPE: Harmony, Options, Peace & Empowerment.
Numerology with Wendy: wendybjork.com
Follow Wendy: heartsofwellness.com/newsletter
Connect with her through social media:
Twitter/X: @bjork_ms
FB page: Wendy Bjork Hearts of Wellness
YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/@wendybjork
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wendybjork
Instagram: @theempressofms