Welcome to the latest episode of Igniting Your Dynamic Self with Wendy Bjork.
Wendy Bjork is an international bestselling author, nationally syndicated columnist, inspirational speaker and founder of HeartsOfWellness.com.
Her mission is to empower women navigating Multiple Sclerosis to build a strong Foundation of Wellbeing: One Whole-istic™ Step at a Time.
She understands this journey well, as she has been living with Multiple Sclerosis for over three decades, since the age of 15. She has been inspired to lead other women on a healing path after realizing the gaps in care that affect so many. Her techniques have been personally tested and embraced by many.
She is a regular contributor on the PriceofBusiness.com digital platforms as well as the National MS Society’s Momentum Magazine and is regularly invited to discussions, podcasts and interviews as she shares her story as an inspiration to others.
Do you or someone you love live with MS, or another autoimmune disorder or condition?
Here are Four Misconceptions and Five Myths surrounding Autoimmune Disorders and Multiple Sclerosis.
There are quite a few misconceptions about autoimmune disorders or as I like to call them challenges because I really dislike the word disease. They cause a lot of confusion because quite often, the symptoms are invisible & while there is a genetic component, new research suggests that diet and environment can influence which genes get turned on. Living with an autoimmune disorder is tough enough without having to deal with the misconceptions the stigmas the doubt the invalidation surrounding it here are four of the most common misconceptions:
The First Misconception:
It is not a real illness or a disorder because it’s invisible. Autoimmune disorders and conditions are real and they cause a lot of pain and discomfort but there are misconceptions about them that make managing your condition even more difficult.
The Second Misconception:
They’re just caused by a food allergy. Autoimmune disorders are complicated and their symptoms can vary from person to person.
The Third Misconception:
It is just a fad or somebody’s looking for attention or sympathy. Which is what I was told when I was 15 and was experiencing symptoms of multiple sclerosis. These conditions can cause a wide range of symptoms from rashes and joint pain to fatigue and memory problems.
The Fourth Misconception:
They’re a sign of weakness. Nobody wishes to have a chronic condition or an autoimmune disorder. Since I’ve been dealing with MS for over three decades I wouldn’t wish this life on anyone. in dealing with it, helping people to realize that this disorder does develop when the autoimmune system just
misinterprets certain types of tissues or organs as harmful intruders creating antibodies.
Myths & Misconceptions about Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis (MS) affects one person every hour, yet many people still have misconceptions about the condition . Misconceptions can be a major challenge for patients and can negatively impact their quality of life.
Myth 1: MS is Contagious
Although MS is an autoimmune condition, it’s not infectious and cannot be transferred from person to person. Its causes are multifactorial – genetics, environmental factors such as vitamin D deficiency and Epstein-Barr virus infection, and a variety of underlying health conditions all play a role.
Myth 2: People With MS Don’t Feel Pain
Many people with MS experience neuropathic pain, which is pain caused by damage to nerves. This type of pain is often felt in the extremities, and can be triggered by heat or changes in the environment. Painkillers can help manage pain, and some patients find relief with acupuncture or other complementary treatments.
Myth 3: People With MS Can’t Get Pregnant
Women with MS can get pregnant, However, it’s important that women with MS who plan on having a child talk to their healthcare providers before becoming pregnant. They most likely need to switch medications that are safe for the baby.
Myth 4: Fatigue Is a Normal Part of MS
Almost all patients with MS struggle with fatigue, but it’s important to know that it is not just “tiredness.” It’s an overwhelming exhaustion that can make even the simplest tasks difficult. It can also cause a lack of motivation and lead to feelings of depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and social isolation. Simple things like getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet and taking regular breaks can all help to improve fatigue symptoms.
Myth 5: Everyone With MS Will End Up in a Wheelchair
The majority of people with MS do not require wheelchairs, and those that need assistance only require a walker or cane. Fifteen years after diagnosis, only about 20% of people with MS need any assistance at all with mobility. It is possible to live a long and productive life with MS, especially when the right care and support is available. Research continues into the causes of MS and other autoimmune conditions, and new treatment options are constantly being developed. As a result, there is hope for the future, especially when patients decide to take their health back by owning their healing journey.
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