Kevin Brady on How to Revive an Economy

Business, Lifestyle, National News
Reading Time: 2 minutes

By the Price of Business, Media Partner of USA Daily Times.

Recently Congressman Kevin Brady (R-TX) visited Kevin Price, Host of the Price of Business and Managing Editor of USADT, to discuss how to revive an economy through the power of sweeping tax and welfare reform and the profound impact the former is having on the economy and how the latter — when it becomes law — will help families and society as a whole.

Brady knows what he is talking about, because he has overseen the process of passing powerful and far reaching tax reform.

Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) is chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee.  He is the chief architect of the tax reform bill that is now law.

Tune in to the Price of Business M-F, 3 PM ET. Find a local station or listen online.

Tax reform has had an incredibly positive effect on on the economy and employment, leading to historically low unemployment and robust economy.  In fact, right after the bill was signed into law the employment situation improved dramatically just on the idea that tax reform would generate a buoyed economy. Tax reform is already leading to fewer people on government programs, more cash flow for companies, and economic growth.  Combined, this means a huge overall improvement in government revenues.  History, be it the fiscal measures of Calvin Coolidge, John F. Kennedy, or Ronald Reagan, shows that tax cuts always makes an economy more competitive. Especially in light of how much the US had lots its edge during the Obama years.

The United State now finds itself as one of the best tax environment in the world after years of being among the worst, when it comes to corporate taxes.  John F. Kennedy, when talking about tax reform, said “a rising tide lifts all boats,” we are seeing the truth of that with the profound economic upswing over the last year.

History, be it the fiscal measures of Calvin Coolidge, John F. Kennedy, or Ronald Reagan, shows that tax cuts always makes an economy more competitive. Especially in light of how much the US had lots its edge during the Obama years.

In addition, Chairman Brady discussed the House plans towards implementing important welfare reform.  This is the first major effort since Bill Clinton and the House Republicans in the 1990s.  That effort lowered the number of people on welfare to below Lyndon Johnson’s so-called “Great Society” levels.

There are few things more damaging to the human spirit than welfare.  Providing individuals with incentives to work rather than being dependent on the state, will encourage human independence, optimism, and even prosperity.  That is at the heart of the House’s welfare reform efforts.

Listen to the interview in its entirety below: 

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