Seattle-based Democracy Live Launches Secure Voting Portal for Election Day

National News, Technology
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Seattle-based Democracy Live has launched a secure online portal to assist voters access their ballots on Election Day. Over 20 million voters in the United States cannot vote a traditional ballot at a voting location because they are stationed in the military, living abroad, or have a disability that prevents them from marking a paper ballot. The OmniBallot system from Democracy Live is now available for eligible voters to access and mark their ballots, anywhere in the world.

“Through our collaborative efforts with both Amazon and Microsoft cloud providers, Democracy Live has developed a voting day solution to deliver a secure, fully accessible, online ballot to millions of voters who cannot vote a traditional ballot,” stated Democracy Live CEO, Bryan Finney.

According to the Census Bureau and State Department, over 25 million voters either have a disability or are stationed and living abroad. “For millions of voters who cannot make it to a local voting location, OmniBallot ensures they are able to securely and easily access their ballots regardless of geography or ability,” Finney said.

According to Debbie Cook at the University of Washington Center for Technology and Disability Studies, “The Democracy Live system is a marvelous example of a universally designed ballot system. It provides a valuable resource for all voters, including those with disabilities who often lack access to this critical information.”

Depending on the location of the voter, OmniBallot is securely hosted in Amazon AWS or Microsoft Azure to deliver the correct ballot and ballot information to eligible voters in the U.S. “Security, scalability and accessibility of data is critical in elections, which is why we went with these world-class hosting providers,” stated Island Pinnick, Chief Technology Officer of Democracy Live.

Given the importance of security in elections, the Department of Homeland Security labeled elections and voting a part of the nation’s critical voting infrastructure.  Finney, in his role as CEO of Democracy Live, was recently nominated and selected to sit on the Homeland Security Elections Sector Executive Committee. Democracy Live was one of four firms selected for the Sector Executive Committee.

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