What Benefits You Will Get from E-commerce App Development
eCommerce mobile industry is gaining high popularity nowadays giving entrepreneurs strong grounds to take the issue seriously. Are you asking yourself whether you actually have to develop an e-store mobile platform? We’re to submit some arguments on what you can obtain with your e-business application, so you could answer given question by yourself.
Let’s begin our journey through eCommerce mobile service benefits.
# Revenue stream
eCommerce applications could be seen as a main source of profit or as an extra one. Having such a service you give the opportunity for all customers to enjoy on-line purchasing at your e-store. That’s pretty a valid reason to think seriously on eCommerce mobile platform building, don’t you agree?
# Portability
After making a mobile version of your e-store, you’re free to manage your company the way you prefer. Such a platform is what it takes to be free from staying all the time in the office or in the actual store.
# Enhancing your company’s positions
Let’s see mobile services as tools to boost your business success. What can it do for you?
Surely, there are entrepreneurs who are pretty satisfied with what they earn. However, it’s always great news to have possibilities to make even more money. In case you’re looking for solutions to ensure your company’s profitability increase, building an e-commerce app is the right strategy to achieve desired results.
The thing is that mentioned mobile platforms will help attract more clients since by means of your service you give your audience a practical program to enjoy your store benefits. Therefore, any business turns out to be more customer-oriented, specially for people who love shopping online.
# Less costs
Running a business implies some investments, so you shouldn’t leave without attention to various solutions to cut current expenditures. And an eCommerce mobile service is one of them. Having built one you don’t have to worry about setting up an actual physical store purchasing various showcases, matching the overall interior design, and so on. All you need is to get a nice warehouse for manufactured goods. That’s convenient, isn’t it?
# Be in trends
When striving for being successful, remember to keep up with the times adjusting your strategies according to current tendencies. And having an eCommerce app is actually one of 2019 trends.
Traditional stores look more out-dated nowadays. Such shops aren’t among world top market players. It’s a due time to switch for a mobile or to leave the stage. It’s your call.
# Reminders
We’re sure you’ve heard about Push Notifications. Do you realize how useful such an instrument is? It’s an approach to keep users remember about your service. By sending them simple reminders, you’ll keep them posted on various great deals you have for them. They’ll appreciate such touch.
# Always available
People carry their cell phones everywhere at any time. Therefore, customers can always take advantage of your application. Users no longer need to go to specific places to buy stuff or to order services. Make your e-store available for them at any time.
# Being closer to your people
Any buyers do appreciate the possibility to communicate with the store’s staff and owners with respect for their confidentiality. Indeed, an e-store mobile service is a great helper in this regard. Friendly and warm communication with your clients will only contribute to your success.
# Users’ loyalty
That would be a logical consequence of a previous case. When you learn your audience, you’ll present the most optimal offers for them. By gaining their trust in such a way, you’ll manage to turn them into your loyal customers. Isn’t it something you’re looking for? If YES, make sure your app has online chatting options, and show some care to your users dealing with their issues and responding to their feedback.
# Constant improvements
Nothing is constant. The market keeps changing and developing every day, thus, it’s critical to be prepared to grow with it. That’s another possibility to drive your revenue, and, we hope, you’ll find the way to work it for you.
One more thing…
To create an attractive service, having only basic features isn’t enough. Your objective shall be to stuff your online product with special and original characteristics. Thus, let us share with you some secrets on how you could make your eCommerce platform unique and wanted.
E-store service awesome ideas
● AR functionality
eBay has come with a great solution when the audience can see the deals which users living close-by place. Brainstorm on how you could implement Augmented Reality with advantage to your customers.
Picture this – walking in the street your customers simply point their cell phones to a certain building to get info on what and where could be purchased. Giving you such an example, we hope you’ll figure out more cool applications of AR for your service.
● Picture searching
Are you familiar with the Amazon Remembers service? It assists users in finding items by means of their photos. Such feature is supported with an enormous Amazon pictures database allowing customers to successfully find what they’re searching for.
You think you could implement a similar approach to your e-store application?
● Cell phones’ technical capacities
You can make tech possibilities of your users’ devices contribute to your platform prosperity. Find approaches to apply today’s gadgets great functionalities to your benefit.
Crutchfield made it happen. The program allows its users to enjoy GPS advantages to get estimates on delivery costs of items purchased with the help of the service. Do you agree that it’s a great win-win situation for suppliers and buyers?
● Shake-up solution
Alibris – an iOS on-line bookshop service – offers its users an interesting “shake-up” functionality. The idea is that customers get random advice on books to enjoy after jiggling the cell phone. Though, there are certain doubts if such advising is actually accidental.
● Goods list in subways
It’s very simple and practical at the same time.
Tesco Homeplus has come up with a very ingenious idea to open a special grocery shop, which is real and virtual at the same time. By means of it, users can shop while being in the subway by scanning product pictures placed on the wall using their mobile gadgets. That’s creative, right?
Since now you know what benefits you can get having an eCommerce mobile platform, why not to go for it? Make it work for you!