78% of Entrepreneurs with Chronic Email Checking Disorder

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Marketcircle, developers of the popular small business CRM, Daylite, surveyed entrepreneurs and recently published a report concluding that a majority of entrepreneurs – 78% to be exact – have Chronic Email-Checking Disorder.

Marketcircle surveyed entrepreneurs about their work habits and email habits, including how many hours on average entrepreneurs work per week, how many emails they get in a day on average, their stress levels, as well as how often and where they check their email.

The findings proved to be quite interesting:

78% of entrepreneurs have Chronic Email-Checking Disorder. These entrepreneurs check their work email throughout the entire day, compared to a minority of entrepreneurs that schedule specific time in their day to check their email, like the 13% that said they check their email first thing in the morning. A staggering 87% of entrepreneurs said they regularly check work email while on vacation.

Another interesting finding was that 76% of entrepreneurs surveyed have Obsessive Working Disorder, regularly exceeding 40 hours a week. The bulk of entrepreneurs surveyed (58%) said they work 41-60 hours per week, 14% work 61-80 hours per week, and 4% said they regularly exceed 80 hours per week.

To view this report and take a quiz to find out if you, too, have Chronic Email-Checking Disorder or Obsessive Working Disorder, visit Marketcircle’s report here.

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