Creating The Cutest Christmas Traditions Your Kids Will Love

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Christmas season enchants every child who waits for Santa Claus. The pure joy and excitement are hard for any kid to resist, and many families celebrate the season with Yuletide songs, books, and movies.

Christmas memories are something we all think of fondly, especially when our families create unique traditions that define the magic and merriment of the holiday.

Cutest Christmas Traditions Your Kids Will Love:

1. Matching Family Jammies. There’s nothing more adorable than putting on pajamas that everyone in the family can wear together. Find jammies with a Yuletide theme, and wear them the night before. The photographs will be awesome when they unwrap their toys for Christmas in the morning.

2. Reindeer Book Tradition. This is the new hit book that families are loving. “Reindeer In Here” celebrates the differences in each and every one of us, whether human or reindeer. One can also buy the cuddly reindeer toy.

3. Breakfast North-Pole Style. The entire family will enjoy waking up to breakfast with a Christmas theme any day in December. You can serve hot cocoa with “snowball” marshmallows. You can use a cookie cutter to make pancake trees, etc. Dine with seasonal paper plates and tablecloths.

4. Christmas Eve Package. To get the kids excited for the big day, present them with a box filled with cool things like a special ornament for the tree, a Christmas movie, a Christmas carol CD, etc.

5. Making Santa’s Treats. It’s a famous tradition to leave something yummy for Old St. Nick and his loyal reindeer team. Cookies, cakes or even a taco and a glass of milk are something all family members can assemble or bake together.

6. Santa’s Snowy Footprints. The kids will freak out with delight when they find “Santa’s been here.” You can secretly make the footprints by placing flour onto a plate. Then, spray the bottom of a shoe with water. Press into the flour until the whole shoe is covered, and “make your Santa mark.”

7. Growing Candy Cane Plant. You’ll need green spearmint Tic-Tacs placed into a glass jar containing sugar as the soil. Have the kids water the “seeds” with glitter daily. One day, when they aren’t looking, replace the Tic-Tac seeds with candy canes, and show them how their plant has grown!

8. Making Christmas Cards. There’s nothing like a homemade holiday card. Let their young imaginations create a pretty card with stencils, stickers, ribbons, and glitter.

9. Classic Gingerbread Houses. Your kids will love building their own adorable gingerbread houses, and today’s kits come ready with everything you need. It’s a lovely team effort to adorn these houses and top them with icing.

10. Christmas Tree Campout. To get the children psyched for the holiday, hold Christmas campouts by the tree on any day but Christmas Eve. Falling asleep under the tree is exciting for young kids.


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