Brady Briefing: Texas Strong – One Year Later

Business, Lifestyle, National News
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The Brady Briefing is a regular feature of USA Daily Times.  In this issue, Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) reviews further tax reform, energy costs, education issues, and more. 

By U.S. Congressman Kevin Brady (R-TX)

A year ago, Hurricane Harvey made landfall, one of the worst natural disasters in the history of the United States. Hundreds of Texas families were left homeless and without resources, and 88 Texans lost their lives. In total, this devastating storm caused an estimated $125 billion or more in damages.

On day one, the Texas congressional delegation took action. They worked closely with federal, state and local leaders to deliver relief to those who needed it most in record time. In just six months, we delivered $146 billion in aid – the quickest hurricane disaster response yet.

Looking back, what I remember most is how Texans came together to lend a hand and help their neighbors during our time of need. Everyday people volunteered their time and resources to local shelters, and even used their own boats and cars in rescue missions, my oldest son Will included. As soon as the rain stopped, he got out there with his boat, his friends and others who had escaped to floods to help. Team Brady staffers from both DC and Conroe were all hands on deck, coordinating with local leaders and community groups like Interfaith.

We have come out of this stronger than ever; ‘Texas Strong’ in fact. Because that’s what Texans do.

Kevin Brady is Chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee.  

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