The Brady Briefing: Trade Deals, Immigration Reform, Israel, Climate Change, and More
The Brady Briefing is a regular feature of USA Daily Times.
By U.S. Congressman Kevin Brady (R-TX)
I’ve been working hard to get a new free trade agreement with Canada and Mexico passed in Congress. In Texas, trade with Canada and Mexico supports 948,900 local jobs and totals $127 billion in exports, and the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) will help our state’s workers and economy thrive even more. President Trump’s recent move to lift tariffs on steel and aluminum is a victory, and with this crucial issue resolved, I hope my colleagues will come together to advance the USMCA.
President Trump just introduced a new, comprehensive immigration plan that fully secures our border and incentivizes merit-based immigration. This pro-American, pro-immigrant, and pro-worker plan is a smart, multi-faceted solution to the crisis on our southern border.
We must work together to shut the backdoor of illegal immigration so that we can keep open the front door of legal immigration. This will protect American wages and strengthen our workforce, and I support President Trump’s ongoing efforts.
Israel has long been a friend and ally of the United States. The Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement wages economic war in a desperate attempt to undermine and isolate Israel, as well as all people of Jewish faith. We cannot let this dangerous movement continue – which is why I signed the discharge petition to force a vote on anti-BDS legislation on the House floor.
As members of Congress, we have a duty to stand against hate and fight for what is right. The recent anti-Semitic and anti-Israel rhetoric coming from some of my Democratic colleagues is intolerable and inexcusable, and Republicans will not allow it to continue.
Last week, the House Ways and Means Committee held a hearing on the potential economic and health consequences of a changing climate. We can all agree that we need to ensure clean air and water for future generations, and Republicans are committed to promoting real, lasting solutions.
I believe that the key to successfully tackling climate change is American innovation. Instead of making traditional energy more expensive, let’s focus on making clean energy more affordable. Our nation has long been a global energy leader, and with new innovation and smart investments, we can be the driving force behind clean energy. If we work together in a bipartisan manner, we can find solutions that support American innovation, lower energy costs, and drive our economy.
With burdensome Obamacare regulations and rising drug prices, the last thing Americans need are surprise medical bills. Health issues and surgeries are scary enough – families don’t need the added stress of unforeseen financial costs. That’s why I’m working with President Trump to tackle this problem head on. No one should be taken advantage of in the emergency room, and I believe we can find smart, bipartisan solutions to protect patients from surprise billing.
On America’s most solemn holiday, Memorial Day, I’m thankful for our fallen heroes and ask God’s blessings on the loved ones they left behind. We as a nation will never forget those who paid freedom’s steepest price.
Kevin Brady is the ranking Republican of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee.