Taxi Mobile Application Development
In the modern world, every person needs to take a taxi in a certain period of time. Public transport is obviously a good invention, but cars sometimes turn out to be more useful.
In the modern world, every person needs to take a taxi in a certain period of time. Public transport is obviously a good invention, but cars sometimes turn out to be more useful. Fortunately, there are more than enough taxi services today. All over the world, special mobile applications are rapidly gaining popularity. This is convenient for everyone – the passenger orders a car quickly and avoids misunderstandings with operators who may, for example, not hear the address and send the car to the other end of the city. Conversely, taxi services, using applications, significantly save on dispatchers staff.
- The speed of the order. No need to spend time calling a taxi service, or browse the web to find the right website.
- The route and the trip itself can be traced on the map.
- If desired, you can view the history
- You can pay for the trip with a bank card.
- A modern, simple and convenient interface which even an inexperienced user can easily understand.
- A list of favorite addresses is displayed.
The mobile application collects users’ orders and, using GPS data, determines the nearest available taxis. The program on the taxi driver’s smartphone transmits its location to the aggregator, and also allows you to track whether a car is vacant or busy. As soon as the online service determines the nearest vacant car, the taxi driver receives a message about the order. The driver must accept it, and the passenger will be notified that the car is on its way. The application will also tell customers about the model of the car, give its number and the name of the driver.
“Agilie”, one of the top companies specializing in taxi app development, can boast over 200 successful projects, and it keeps gaining popularity on the market of website design. The business remains stable thanks to the competent and professional staff that provides quality online service and implements customers’ orders within a short time.