BRADY BRIEFING: President Trump is Defending our Nation
Last week, President Trump successfully eliminated the world’s most dangerous terrorist. Qassim Soleimani was the leader of the Quds Force – the most dangerous and well-armed terrorist organization in the world – and the extraterritorial wing of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. He was directly responsible for the death of hundreds of Americans, and was planning imminent attacks that would have killed countless more. By targeting Soleimani, the President acted under his legal and constitutional power to protect our nation from those who wish to harm us.
This is a victory for America and our allies, and at a time like this we should be rallying around our courageous military and intelligence service members
Instead, my Democrat colleagues are again putting their hatred of President Trump before the best interest of the American people.
House Democrats introduced a partisan War Powers Resolution, which was nothing more than a dangerous, non-binding messaging bill designed to undermine the President’s power. And in a shameful move, they voted against a request to honor the servicemen and women who conducted the Soleimani mission.
What I fear my colleagues do not understand is that in eliminating Soleimani, President Trump did not declare war on Iran. In fact, each step he has taken since has been measured, smart, and strategic. His ‘peace through strength’ model of diplomacy offers a path of de-escalation and peace while making it clear that we will not tolerate the killing of Americans.
I hope that those across the aisle can put away their personal bias in order to ensure a safer and more prosperous nation. Instead of insulting our military personal, wasting time on useless messaging bills and supporting terrorists, I urge them to join Republicans in making the defense of our nation a top Congressional priority.
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act has created economic benefits for all Americans – and the unemployment rate for Hispanic, Asian and African Americans have all hit historic lows. Plus, for the first time in nearly a decade, women have overtaken men as the majority of the U.S. workforce.It’s been two years since I led efforts to pass historic tax reforms, and the economy just keeps on growing. In December, we added 145,000 new jobs, while wage growth remained solid and unemployment stayed at a 50-year low.
The past year showed an incredible amount of growth and stability, with 2 million jobs added in 2019. With the amazing results we’re seeing, it’s no wonder that three out of four Americans rate the economy as ‘excellent’ or ‘good’ – the highest confidence in twenty years.
Last week, the USMCA passed the Senate Finance Committee with overwhelming bipartisan support. This significant milestone is the latest action to move the USMCA from Congress to the President’s desk. After nearly a year of delay by House Democrats, I am encouraged that the Senate is taking swift action. Once passed, the USMCA will bring more jobs, more trade, and more revenue – benefiting hundreds of thousands of workers in Texas.