Spending Your Media Budget Wisely? Think Again
The Price of Business Digital Network has a new series of outstanding commentaries from thought leaders. This is one in that series.
Paul Mosenson
NuSpark Consulting
If budget allows, branding and direct response media buys both have roles in media strategy.
Branding primarily aims at increasing awareness and improving the perception of the brand in the minds of consumers. The goal is to create a strong, positive association with the brand, ultimately leading to long-term customer loyalty and engagement.
Direct response media buying, on the other hand, is intended to elicit an immediate response or action from the consumer. This could be anything from making a purchase, applying on a form, downloading a coupon, or more. The objective is to generate immediate conversions and measurable outcomes.
Listen to my message and decide what’s right for you.
Lead Generation and Media Buying Firm focused on driving quality traffic, leads, and customers to your website or firm, with robust tracking, strategic inbound and outbound campaigns, with ongoing optimization to maximize ROI
About Paul:
My compelling background was designed for today and the future. It was my plan to be equally skilled in B2B and B2C lead generation and media strategy. When I worked for ad agencies in the past, that combined knowledge and skills resulted in the growth of those agencies because of that dual experience, and for that I am proud.
With my recent work as Managing Director at NuSpark, again we grew because of the balance of experience with B2B, SaaS and B2C. At the end of the day, clients bought me, Paul Mosenson, because of my approach, thought leadership, passion, and attention-to-detail. We’ll test a lot, and some media or lead gen approaches may not work, but that’s OK. We’re learning, and being innovative, but with the same goals in mind, positive return-on-ad-spend, optimized CAC and Cost-Per-Conversion.Website: https://nusparkconsulting.com/
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