Student Loan Borrowers Shouldn’t Have To Struggle Alone

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When hardships happen, it may feel like they’re all-consuming and that they’re the only part left to an individual’s identity – maybe even more so when concerning financial hardships. When what kind of disposable money an individual has dictates what kind of life can be had, it might be harshly limiting in a way that individuals struggle to handle. In the case of student loan debt, borrowers may struggle doubly so because of trying to pay off debt while still affording their living needs. Ameritech Financial, a document preparation service company, exists to help borrowers apply for federal programs that have the chance to potentially better a borrower’s life.

“When money is tight, it’s often all people can think about. Borrowers might be limiting themselves from living a life that truly makes them happy. They might be turning down seeing friends because they have to watch what kind of gas they burn or forgo a favorite treat because even five or so dollars can feel frivolous when having to worry about repayment,” said Tom Knickerbocker, executive vice president of Ameritech Financial.

With $1.5 trillion held over the collective head of student loan borrowers, it might feel like Hollywood quicksand, and with no one nearby to throw a rope to help pull someone out. Ameritech Financial, however, can provide a proverbial rope for qualified borrowers by aiding them in enrolling for federal income-based repayment programs that can potentially lower their payments and get them on track for student loan forgiveness. “Borrower’s shouldn’t have to struggle alone to keep themselves afloat financially. We at Ameritech Financial are just doing our part to help as best as we can with that,” said Knickerbocker.


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