The Chemical Burn Saved by Lavender

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Welcome to the latest episode of Igniting Your Dynamic Self with Wendy Bjork. As an international bestselling author, inspirational speaker and founder of, her mission is to empower women to take charge of their health holistically so they can feel confident, have clarity and be inspired to find joy and simplicity.


What is one of the most loved essential oils?

 Lavender is at the top of the world’s best loved, including one of my top three favorites. A versatile essential oil with a beautiful, floral scent that can relieve stress, ease tired muscles and promote peaceful sleep.

There is a very interesting story regarding how lavender came to be so useful, and it began over one hundred years ago in France. A perfume chemist by the name of Rene Maurice Gattefossé began a fascination with essential oils after a serious accident in his lab. 

The story goes that Gattefossé was working in his lab one day when there was an explosion that severely burned his hands and head. In his panic, he extinguished the burning substances by rolling on the grassy lawn. 

His application of small quantities of lavender essences afterward was clearly an experiment, translated from French, this is Gattefossé’s own description of the incident:

“The external application of small quantities of essences rapidly stops the spread of gangrenous sores. In my personal experience, after a laboratory explosion covered me with burning substances which I extinguished by rolling on a grassy lawn, both my hands were covered with a rapidly developing gas gangrene. Just one rinse with lavender essence stopped “the gasification of the tissue”. This treatment was followed by profuse sweating, and healing began the next day (July 1910).”

He was immediately amazed that his hand not only stopped hurting, but it healed quickly and with minimal scarring. This event led him to develop what is now known as modern aromatherapy.

After this experience, he started to research essential oils and their healing properties. He analyzed and experimented with different oils and found that they not only had physical effects, but also psychological ones. He was the first person to coin the term “aromatherapy”. In 1937, he wrote a book called “Aromatherapie: Les Huiles Essentielles, Hormones Vegetales.” He is credited with being the founder of modern aromatherapy and is often referred to as “The Father of Modern Aromatherapy.”

Gattefossé believed that each oil had its own unique properties with a specific effect on the brain. The interplay of different oils produced powerful synergy. He also believed that if the right combination of oils was used together, they could treat diseases and illnesses such as infections, cancer, anxiety, insomnia, and depression. He also discovered that some oils had sedative properties which helped with stress and headaches.

The use of essential oils is an ancient practice dating back thousands of years. It was even documented in some of the oldest medical documents such as the Ebers Papyrus which dates back to 1550 BC. These oils were used for medicinal purposes as well as in perfumery. They were known for their therapeutic super powers and were used to treat diseases such as infections, gangrene and wounds

Lavender is a good choice for those who suffer from skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis and dermatitis. It can also be used for general aches and pains such as headaches, tension and stress. This is because it has relaxing properties which help to calm the mind and relieves irritability. It is also an effective remedy for insomnia because it has a calming effect on the nervous system and encourages restful sleep. It’s used as an excellent insect repellent as a natural mosquito spray. Other uses are for respiratory problems such as chest congestion and bronchitis..

Today, the most commonly used species of lavender is Lavandula angustifolia or English lavender, although there are many other species with similar therapeutic properties. The essential oil is extracted by steam distillation of the flowering tops, which have a unique aroma that makes them perfect for medicinal use. A high-quality essential oil has a clean, sweet, floral aroma with woody undertones. The best quality oil is distilled from flowers that have been grown in optimal conditions and are fresh when harvested.

In order to create one ounce of high quality lavender essential oil, it takes 11 pounds of lavender flowers. Keep this in mind when sourcing your products containing lavender, the majority are not pure and can even contain synthetic, harmful ingredients.

When choosing an essential oil, look for one that lists both the scientific name and common name of the plant. Also, ensure that the bottle is dark, as light can diminish the oil’s effectiveness. The bottle should also have a batch number with an expiration date included.

Lavender is one of the safest essential oils, especially when used correctly. However, some people are sensitive to it. It can be stimulating when rubbed into the skin and should not be used with certain medications, such as those that cause drowsiness or depressants. It’s best to avoid using it during pregnancy or with young children, and it shouldn’t be taken internally unless prescribed by a medical professional.

For an expansion on the history of essential oils, read more here on ancient ways of improving your health at USA Daily


If there is any support I can offer in living your best life, feel free to send a message to You may also download your copy of my 30-Day Journal + Blueprint Bundle Towards Living Your Best Life at . Discovering and living by your personalized playbook are important steps we can create together!



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As a pioneer in advocacy and mentorship, Wendy is leading a global revolution of women walking in purpose and peace as she illumines their path ahead with the light of HOPE:  Harmony, Options, Peace & Empowerment.


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Gattefossé R-M, Tisserand RB (ed.) 1993 Gattefossé’s aromatherapy: the first book on aromatherapy. CW Daniel, Saffron Walden, p 87


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