7 Caregiver Landmines: And How You Can Avoid Them
As the nation begins celebrating National Caregiver’s Month in November, Morgan James’s new release, 7 Caregiver Landmines: And How You Can Avoid Them by Peter W. Rosenberger, equips family caregivers to live a healthier, calmer, and even more joyful life while serving as a caregiver.
A caregiver’s journey often contains beliefs and behaviors that act like emotional landmines and can cause serious damage. Avoiding these landmines requires caregivers to hear from someone with experience they can trust. Author and radio host Peter Rosenberger draws upon his ongoing three decades of caring for his wife through a medical nightmare—to discuss seven caregiver landmines that wreak havoc in a caregiver’s life.
“Peter is a trusted voice in the caregiving world offering powerful tips and strategies with a lot of empathy and humor. He is an informed, engaging host whose distinct perspective, formed over decades, is valued and appreciated.” Leeza Gibbons—Television Host/NYT Best-Selling Author
“With tenacity, tenderness and humor Peter Rosenberger brings hope to those who find themselves in the overwhelming and sometimes lonely role of caregiver.” Amy Grant – Singer/Author
Inside Peek – “‘It’s all up to me.’ We caregivers tend to hurl ourselves recklessly at caring for a vulnerable loved one, thinking the entire burden of their wellbeing is on our shoulders. This landmine leads us to ‘white knuckle’ ourselves through our caregiving journey and inevitably leads to more of the 7 Caregiver Landmines.”
According to Caregiveraction.org
- 29% of the U.S. population, more than 65 million people are providing care for a chronically ill, disabled, or aged family member or friend during any given year and spend an average of 20 hours per week providing care for their loved one.
- 72% of family caregivers report not going to the doctor as often as they should and 55% say they skip doctor appointments for themselves.
- 63% of caregivers report having poor eating habits than non-caregivers and 58% indicate worse exercise habits than before caregiving responsibilities.
- 40% to 70% of family caregivers have clinically significant symptoms of depression
- According to AARP, divorce rates sore as high as 82% among caregiving families