NVLD Expert Linda Karanzalis, MS, BCCS, Sheds Light on This Invisible Disability in Her New Book; Misnamed, Misdiagnosed, Misunderstood
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The Price of Business Digital Network has a new series of outstanding commentaries from thought leaders. This is one in that series.
NVLD Expert Linda Karanzalis, MS, BCCS
Linda Karanzalis, Board-Certified Cognitive specialist, talks about the new book she published on NVLD, a little-known disorder Chris Rock recently revealed he was diagnosed with. Linda has worked with children, teens, and adults with NVLD and neurodiversity for more than 25 years. As an author, podcaster, lecturer, an ambassador of the NVLD Project, and a person with NVLD, she provides validation, awareness, strategies, and, most importantly, compassion to the millions who live with this disorder. Find out more about her story and book at www.lindakaranzalis.com
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